Cambridge B2 First Article Writing

Cambridge B2 First Article Writing

Article writing in Cambridge First is a Part 2 writing task and is now typically written for a website. Like all other forms of writing, it has a word limit of 140-190 words. While you can be asked to write a article about anything, they are commonly examples of events or activities you might have experienced.

What you have to do in B2 Article writing

  • An article in the B2 writing exam is not a newspaper article and it is more similar to the types of articles you find in general interest magazines.
  • The style is informal or neutral, often very conversational.
  • In  article writing you should try to engage the reader and make them interested in what you have to say.

Let’s now look at a sample question. You can typically expect something like this.

Example Article Question

We are looking for articles about personal feelings about music for our website.

Music & My Life

When do you listen to music? How do you decide what to listen to at different times?

Write an article telling us about your answers to these questions. The best articles will be published on our website.

Write your article

How to write an article for Cambridge B2 First

In our example above we are asked to include answers to the questions. In addition to this, we need to provide an introduction and of course, a suitable ending to our article.

Paragraph 1
This is extremely important in an article as this is where a reader decides if they are interested in what someone has written. We need to present our topic and invite readers to read more. This is often a very good place for a direct question. Here’s a possible introduction.


Music has always been a big part of my life and I don’t  know what I would do without it. I like all kinds and I often have a big selection on my phone. So what is it that makes us choose the type of music we listen to?

In our example here, we’ve made it personal, added some details we think readers will be interested in and asked a question.

Answering The Questions
In the following paragraphs we then provide explanations and answers to any questions we are asked. As always, we recommend writing a paragraph for each point you write about.  While it is not an absolute rule, it does make your writing easier to plan and easier to understand.

Final Paragraph
When we come to the end of an article we want to remind our reader what they’ve read and often give them something to think about. This is one way we could finish our article.


Music is all around us. It makes us happy, sad and there is so much choice. It is also something we can share with other people and use to make our lives feel good.  So why not make it a bigger part of your life? 

Engaging the reader

This is a key element in article writing. The simplest way to think about it is to ask why the reader wants to read your article.  What you need to do is think of a reader and how they feel about what you have written. So what does this mean?

  • Make it interesting
    Each part of the article should make the reader want to find out more.
  • Make it personal
    One common way to do this is to ask direct questions, as we have done here! Using “you” as if you are directly writing for the reader is another technique we can use.
  • Use more informal language
    Adding contractions and informal expressions can help make the style of your article more interesting and easier to read.

Completed Cambridge B2 Article

Music has always been a big part of my life and I don’t  know what I would do without it. I like all kinds and I often have a big selection on my phone. So what is it that makes us choose the type of music we listen to? 

When do you listen to music?
From early in the morning,  with my radio to my bus journey I always have music in my ears. Where I work we are also allowed to listen to the radio. However, in the evenings I often I have to decide between TV or listening to music. Sometimes the TV wins!

How do you decide what to listen to at different times?
I think it’s true that music affects our mood. Sometimes you’re tired and you just want something a bit quieter. There are also times where you try to find something new. Even so, like everybody else I have my favourite music and I love listening to it again and again.

Music is all around us. It makes us happy, sad and there is so much choice. It is also something we can share with other people and use to make our lives feel good.  So why not make it a bigger part of your life?

Some final thoughts!


  • Think of who you are writing for and why they would want to read what you have written.
  • Do not overuse direct questions.  Including too many can have a negative affect. If you ask a question, readers generally expect an explanation or answer.
  • Try to make it interesting!
  • Respect the word limits!

Learn more about each of the Cambridge B2 writing exercises

Learn more about each of the Cambridge First writing exercises
